Tinabeanie originated from a nickname I had growing up: Tinabean. I always had the inkling that I would use it in a business name at some point in my life. My first project was a beanie, and my first pattern was a beanie, so I thought the name was fitting :)
By day, I am a Project Manager while I parent my cutie, young daughter. By night, I Knitflix and chill next to my cutie, gaming husband and come up with new ideas for Tinabeanie. I am happiest when I'm working on something to completion. I'm addicted to the process of executing a project: the initial spark of an idea, obsessive research, imagining how to approach the task at hand while putting my own personal spin on it, the grind, and then of course, the satisfaction of a finished project.
I'm an amateur knitter/crocheter. I get overwhelmed when I see how much there is still left to learn, and the leaders in this space are so far advanced that I can't realistically keep up. So I created Tinabeanie for beginners, for lazy crafters (like me), for people crunched for time (like me), so you can get an inside look on what it takes to create something out of nothing. I hope to inspire others to pick up this hobby and get a feeling for yarn addiction too!